Boiler Repair & Installation Service
in Fayetteville, WV
Miller & Sons Does Boiler Installation & Services
Boilers produce steam from hot water to heat homes and businesses throughout the Fayetteville region. Boilers serviced by Miller & Sons can use different types of fuel (oil, natural gas or propane) to fire the burner, and have venting through either a wall on the side of the building or an existing chimney. Speak with the boiler technicians at Miller & Sons Heating & Cooling, to learn what kind of fuel is beneficial for your home or business. Call us at (304) 574-2061 or Contact Us Online for a free estimate.

Choose the Right Boiler in Beckley, Fayetteville, or Summersville, WV
Hydronic Heating Examples
Examples of hydronic heating would be a radiator system in a room or along a baseboard, or a radiant floor heating system that is installed beneath upper flooring that turns the floor of a space into a giant radiator. There is another called ‘hydro-air,’ where hot water from a boiler heats a coil in a duct system and a fan blows the hot air around to circulate heat to the rooms. Here at Miller & Sons Heating & Cooling, we can provide you with a hydronic heating system to heat any room. Call our expert boiler technicians to learn all the ways you can heat your home or business.
Miller & Sons - Providing Boilers Since 1978
Miller & Sons Heating & Cooling works with all types of boilers, from installation to service, since 1978. We know what it takes to keep boilers operational and working at their peak efficiency, so give us a call to review your boiler to see if it needs a repair or upgrade. We know that a boiler is important to every home in West Virginia. Miller & Sons Heating & Cooling never wants you to be without a boiler to heat parts of your home. Keep a comfortable temperature in your home by calling Miller & Sons today at (304) 574-2061 for a free estimate.
Boiler Installation & Repairs by Miller & Sons, Serving
Raleigh County, WV
Beckley, WV
Mabscott, WV
Beaver, WV
Fayette County, WV
Oak Hill, WV
Fayetteville, WV
Montgomery, WV
Nicholas County, WV
Summersville, WV
Richwood, WV
Craigsville, WV